Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Laura Ingalls Wilder Home (day three of our trip)

My favorite part of our trip was our visit to the Laura Ingalls Wilder home. When their daughter was 8 years old Laura and Almonzo moved to Mansfield, Missouri. They would not let us take pictures in the home but we could take pictures outside. It was so beautiful there and seeing all of the things in the house and in the museum was so interesting. The kids complained about going but I think they ended up having a better time that they thought they would.

I was trying to take a picture of the sign and Megan was being silly.

A view of the front of the house.

All of us on the back porch.

A view from the back was so peaceful and pretty!

Some of the kids were trying to pose like an old time photo.

I insisted that we get Hannah a bonnet...doesn't she look darling?

Down the road less than a mile there is another house that the Wilders lived in for 8 years. Their daughter paid 10,000 for it in 1928.

Megan being silly again.

This is the home where Laura began writing the Little House books...she wrote four in this home and four in the farm house.

This little video clip was taken at a little store where we stopped to go potty. (The trip to the Laura Ingalls Wilder home was about an hour and a half from Branson.) This little store was so cute...we wrote our names on the floor! When we were rounding everyone up to get back on the road this is where I found Joe and Hannah....or should I call them "horse man" and "pony girl".

1 comment:

J and M said...

So fun! You are a brave woman doing car rides and travels with the crew. m