Thanks to Nebraska Emergency Medicine we were able to go to Vala's Pumkin Patch for free! Unfortunately the older boys and dad were not able to attend with us. All in all it was a fun night...besides the fact that Joe was the most hyper I've ever seen him (and that is saying ALOT). At one point I looked over and he was doing the splits in front of some random women....when I called him over to me he told me he just had to show them. Then on the hayrack ride we (meaning the entire brood riding on our wagon) were serenaded by Joe to the lovely song by B.O.B. , have probably heard it....I could really use a wish right now a wish right now a wish right now..... Well, we all heard Joe's version of it. Matthew and Joe also fought the whole time......but when we got into the van to go home I had many thank you's and "that was the best night ever!" I guess it was a great success, even if it was rather stressful for me.
When we first got can already see that Joe was on one.
Joe having his hot dog.
Me and My Girl.
Megan was almost too cool to be seen with us.
Matthew and Joe roasting marshmallows.
Notice Joe's marshmallows are on fire...
I think he was pretty proud of those burned marshmallows.
The kids with Homer...for some reason my camera kept picking up every bit of dust in the air!
We saw cute!
Hannah and Joe rode trikes around a was hard to get them to leave this spot.
On the hayrack ride.
Hannah wearing the evidence of the yummy cotton candy.
Hannah found a pumpkin just the perfect size for rule, you have to be able to carry your own pumpkin....
Matthew found a good one.
Joe is about to give birth.....
To a beautiful bouncing baby...pumpkin!
Isn't it a BEAUT??!!
Everyone had a grand time....
That looks like a fun pumpkin patch! Hot dogs, cotton candy, trails....I wish we had one like that!
Vala's is such a fun place. Your kids are so beautiful. All of them. And congratulations on your weight loss. That is amazing. You have so much self-control.
We miss you.
Hey cuz. Jonathan here. I'm mobile right now so I can't access your e-mail addy, but... I just got a reminder of how easily a blogger in some little dirt town in the US can touch lives in some other remote corner of the globe. Keep "transmitting messages into other peoples' homes." You may never know who you'll inspire. More in an e-mail sometime.
Hey Kim,
This looks like so much fun! I love the pictures and the update! Thanks! We would have loved to have been there!
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