Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Giver

Have you read this book? It's one of my all time favorites.....I have many. I read this several years ago when Zack had to read it for school. It's so thought provoking and just a good read!
Imagine my excitement when it was announced that North Star will be doing The Giver for their One Act Play this year. One Acts are a very big thing here in Nebraska. I wonder if they are anywhere else?? The kids compete at different festivals around our area and then they compete in a district competition and if they win at districts they go on to's all very exciting. Last year WE (North Star) won at STATE!! Aaron, Megan, Matthew and I were able to go and it was all so awesome!

It's been kind of a joke in our home that Zack is always cast as an old it's no surprise, but still so thrilling that he has been cast as The Giver!! I know he'll do such a great job!! Josh and Megan will be in the promises to be a great show! I truly can not wait to see it!!


Michelle S. said...

Again,,, are copies available for us to purchase??

Kim said...

yes...copies are available to purchase...but they haven't perfomed this one yet...all the others are $5.00.