We are all so busy lately. Some highlights.....
*Aaron is working alot! I know this is shocking...LOL
*I'm getting ready to start my new job...on June 1st. I'm nervous but excited. I will miss all of my good friends in the kitchen so much.
*Zack got his drivers license and a job at Juice Stop....and he's absolutely appalled that we are having him pay for half of his insurance because "none" of his friends have to pay for their insurance and he doesn't even have his own car! We must be the worst parents ever.....
*Josh just finished acting in a student directed one act play....he did a fine job and really enjoyed it too. He's looking forward to getting a job this summer.
*Megan is all set to skip 8th grade and start 9th grade next year. She's even considering trying out for the fall musical...which is Cinderella....even though she loathes singing. Her teenage eye rolling skills have been in over drive lately....it's oh so much fun being her mom...(now my eye rolling skills are getting a workout).
*Matthew is bored all the time....he really needs a good summertime activity...any ideas? He will start at a new middle school next year and is pretty nervous about it...I pray he'll make some good friends.
*Joseph has been a trial and a half. We are still struggling with finding a good med for him and he's still in therapy. He also will start at a new school next year and I've already been to meet with the vice principal to make sure they are ready for him. He LOVES being outside and is LOVING our new swing that dad hung off our big oak tree in the backyard.
*Hannah is loving being at daycare 3 days a week. They go on lots of field trips and learn something new each day.
*Grandma and Grandpa Schafer are planning a trip out here in about a week and a half.....we are excited for them to come but I'm worried about them being bored while I have to sleep during the day. They are coming my first week of training which will take place from 1130pm til 8am 5 days a week for four weeks. I'm afraid I won't be much fun during their stay......and I'm worried (like keep you up at night worried) about how he kids will behave while they are here....
Here's a couple pics of Hannah and Joe taken on our front porch...the weather has been nice then rainy...which makes for a lot of green but also a lot of mud....