I'm working again, after a nice long stretch of being home with the kiddies. My new job is in the hospital, working in the kitchen. The first few days I didn't think I was going to make it...it's very physical work! But now I'm starting to like it...I like the people I work with, everyone has been very nice. I DO NOT enjoy the dishwashing I have to do...yuck!!! But I will only have to do that two days a week and not all day long...just a for a bit after breakfast and lunch.....but it is quite gross. I like working on trayline...that's actually kind of fun...reading the menu and hurrying to put the items on before the tray passes by....it's fun in a stressful kind of way :) I miss my kids and I'm awfully tired, but I'm hanging in there...When my training is done I will be working every Friday and every other weekend and then two other weekdays which will vary each week. Aaron's job is so slow right now...we are very worried....Have I ever mentioned how much I hate money!! Perhaps I'd like it if we had some! LOL
Good luck with the new job. I love busy work. It makes the time go by faster!
I hope it continues to go well. At least you're willing to do it. I know some people (I won't mention any names) who would rather depend on the church than get a job. TOo bad those dwarves couldn't spread the wealth a little!
Good luck with the new job. I hate money too, it is a necessary evil.
Good luck with this! We really came to appreciate the people in the kitchen while Nate was in the hospital because they had to give him a special diet. Angie
Hey Kim,
Remember me? Your blog is so cute. I hope you enjoy your job. Hope you are doing well. I finally started a blog and you can get to it from Kristi's page.
I feel your pain!!!! We went from 2 jobs, to student income for Jon and no job for me. I have been a stress case and gathering a stress induced spare tire around the middle. SIGH.......Soon, I will have a job. Jon is singing gigs, we are not into criminal activities yet, but scrounging.........
You should look into MDS studies. It can pay up to 3000 for a study and it is in Lincoln...........
Can you email me so that I can add you to our blog?
I hate money too. It sucks!! Wouldn't it be nice to just worry about something else and not money constantly? Good luck with your job. I'm sure your doing great!
Hey Kim, I have to agree I hate money too. But I kinda of love that you are working. I love watching the kids. Abbey and Maddie love them too. There is a peace when they are here. Thank you for sharing them with us!
Hey Lady
Good luck with the new job! Call me so we can chat.
It is a bummer to go back to work....too bad we can't go back to the barter system on a lot of things! hee hee
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