Sunday, December 14, 2008


Our back door (storm door)...the kids couldn't resist.

This morning when I left for work at 430 am...I was surprised with how warm it was outside...50, according to the temp gage in my van....that was short lived!! When I left work this afternoon at 130 the temp gage read 10....10!!!! And that is not even counting how cold it feels with the wind chill......Holy Hannah!! It's too cold! I came home and some of our windows have ice on the inside! I miss California right now. The cold here is just different than the cold in Utah...I don't know if I will ever get used to it. Last week it was cold, 30, but with the wind blowing it feels more like 30 below. Imagine your jeans feeling like ice upon your's worse than that! We had to go to the store and when we exited our vehicle I seriously considered making a run for it....leaving the little ones to fend for themselves. As it was I picked up Hannah, told Matthew to hold Joe's hand and we ran for the entrance of Walmart like our lives depended on it. And here we are just in the beginning of the cold season...yay!!! (hear the sarcasm?)............Can someone get me my sweater?


Michelle said...

It sounds like your cold there is like our hot here. Miserable!

Lara said...

Oh dear friend - cold is minus 30. And at that point, celsuis and farhenheit mean the same! Oh, but with the wind chill it is minus 39!!

Julie said...

We got a good 6 or 7 inches of the white stuff over the weekend. But, we're not as cold as that!! BRRRR!

Lia said...

Down side to loosing weight? Everything from October on feels sooo cold!! And it's getting colder!